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In the mythical magical world of Equestria, six friends unite around a round table to vanquish their foes--an alicorn, a unicorn, two earth ponies, a shy pegasus, and a GE Dash 8-40CW.

Wait, what?

That’s right, Rainbow Dash is now a locomotive.

Twilight does not take this well.

”What the hell just happened? Did I really read that? Oh, my god, I did. I did read that.”
--Katrina Patrick Lumsden

”That’s not even a Dash 8-40CW. That’s an EMD SD70ACe. You’re an idiot.”
--Some pedant on the internet

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Apple left behind

After seeing the Apple family farm fall apart Filthy Rich decides to lend a helping hoof to the last surviving member of the Apple family; Applejack so she can restore the farm and the creation of Zap Apple Jam can resume. However little does he know she has other plans for his money.

-This story was proofread by: 0_0
-The image belongs to AnAppleForgotten. Check out her deviant art page.
-Once again this part of an art trade I did for AnAppleForgotten and is a continuation of the previous story I wrote for her.
-I would like to say there will be more parts in the future but as of now I am really tired and I have LOTS of other projects I need to finish so it may be a while until the next part comes out.

Chapters (1)

[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Madame LeFlour]

The day to day life on the shelves has grown mundane to you. You begin to wish you had never been manufactured as you waste away on the line in the market.

But when a pink mare comes and takes you away, you never imagined just how much your life would change.

Author's Note: This is a result of me not sleeping for 56 hours straight, keeping myself going only on Sierra Mist and Oreos.

Think of this a la Toy Story.

I am so sorry for writing this.

Good lord, I'm going to bed.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Apple left behind Pt. 2

It has been a while since Trixie's last visit to Ponyville. Now she has returned as a part of the Broad Star Carnival. Her return has sparked Applejack's attention who is still upset over some tricks Trixie performed on her in the past.

To make matters worse somepony in a clown costume is stalking Trixie and has some disturbing plans in mind for her.

Note: If you like the story and you want to add it to your favorites please take some time to give it a thumbs up. This not only makes the story look good, but it also makes me feel good about my work. :pinkiesmile:

Also if you are going to leave a thumbs down please explain why in the comments in below. Otherwise your just being a childish brat. :ajbemused:

-The story was proofread/edited by: PrinceUniversa.
-Just like before this story is a continuation of the story I did for AppleBirdie (used to be called AnAppleForgotton) as an art trade.
-The story currently lacks an image because Applebirdie, hasn't had the time to make one and I am not sure I want to make one for this story yet.

Chapters (1)

This story also goes by the name: An Apple Forgotten.
When you finish reading this go check out Part 2: Here.

After Applejack loses her family as the result of a fire, the farm pony goes into a deep depression. Because of her grief Applejack neglects taking care of the farm, which then goes to waste.

Seeing her sadness Applejack's friends feel bad for her but the farm pony interprets this as pity, thus shutting herself off from the rest of her friends.

However things go wrong when Applejack starts to hear the voices of her family talking to her. Was the fire an accident?
The story was proof read by: 0_0

This was a story I wrote on Deviant Art as an art trade for AnAppleForgotton. She is also the owner of the story image.

Here are images pertaining to the story (Illustrated by:AnAppleForgotton):
Barn Fire
Insane Applejack

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle brings the plagues unto Canterlot when Celestia turns the others of the mane six to stone.

Chapters (1)

[Second Person Perspective]

Thanks to the efforts of six ponies, Starlight Glimmer's reign has ended. All the cutie marks have been restored, save for the ones of your new friends. There's not much time before she makes it to the caves where you'll be unable to track her down.

During the final stretch of the chase, you're tasked with lifting Double Diamond up to the top of the hill to drop snow over the entrance to the cave. As you ascend, emotions swirl within as you realize just how fast you're flying and just how warm the stallion you're holding is.

Chapters (1)

One day in comic-con, I decided to show off my amazing cardboard costume. Then I met a merchant who was selling various knick-knacks and trinkets, none of which caught my interest except his cardboard.

Wearing the cardboard to complete my cardboard, I was then transported to another universe where everything was mostly not cardboard.

Now turned into cardboard, I must go fulfill my quest to fix what went wrong, and cardboard the ever living cardboard out of this place with cardboard cardboard cardboard cardboard cardboard cardboard cardboard cardboard

EDIT: Fimfic glitched out on my phone, and now I lost my original description of this damn masterpiece.

Chapters (1)

The days go by, the same as they always do. You go through the day without a care in the world. Well, mostly.
You do care. You care for her. For the girl who's always been by your side. She's your best friends, and you hope you're hers. Thing is, she's bullied daily. Every day. Whether it's from some immature group of boys, to Sunset Shitter, she's always berated and picked on. Her friends care deeply for her, but sadly, are in next to no classes with her, and rarely see her.
You talk with her often though. Well, you don't really 'talk' like everyone. Being mute was always just something you never thought about.
But if only you could say something to her. Something to lift her back up. To let her know she's not worthless.
If only you could.
Here’s a theme I think could work for the story. Got a better one? Let me know in the comments. This is Not the End, by Fieldwork.

Rated 'T' for mild swearing. A few bombs are dropped here and there, but it's nothing TOO serious.
Hey, if you liked the story, you think you could add it to a group or two?

Chapters (6)

Sometimes it seems like the worst days can't ever get better. Fortunately, Pinkie's here to take you out for a night. Could she cheer you up with a good dose of the laughter she's known for?

Second person HumanxPinkie waifuing.

Chapters (1)